What to Do While You Wait for an Emergency Plumber

What to Do While You Wait for an Emergency Plumber

It’s not if a plumbing emergency happens, but when. At some point, a component of your plumbing will fail that needs immediate attention. While it’s obvious that the first step is to call your 24-hour plumber, there are things you should do while waiting for their arrival. These crucial steps will help to minimize damage to your home and save on repair costs. Keep reading to make sure you are prepared in the event of an emergency plumbing situation.

Turn Off the Water Main

If you do not already, be sure to know where your water main is located that shuts off the water to your home. The very first thing you should do after calling your emergency plumber is to turn off the water. If you do not know where the water main is or can’t shut it off, turn off the water to the problem area. For example, if it is the kitchen sink, turn off the water to the kitchen sink. By cutting off the water supply, water damage is minimized.

Drain Water Lines

Even though you’ve turned off the water supply, there is still water in the lines. Go ahead and drain the pipes to get rid of the excess water. This will prevent the water from leaking out into the home and make your plumber’s job easier.

Remove Electronics

Electricity, and water do not mix. Period. It is a safety hazard. With that in mind, be sure to disconnect any electrical items and remove them from the affected area. You should ensure all electronics are completely dry before reconnecting them.

Document the Incident

You will probably need photo documentation to accompany your insurance claim. Before you change or remove anything, be sure to take clear photos from every angle of the incident. You can never take too many pictures. Remember, once the damage is repaired and the mess is cleaned up, you can’t go back and take pictures. Be sure to get all you need immediately after the incident.

Clean Up Excess Water

Every minute water stands on your floor, in your cabinets, or somewhere else it doesn’t belong; your home is incurring damage. Not only does excess moisture cause damage, but it also promotes mold growth. While waiting for the 24-hour plumber to arrive, clean up as much of the water as you can with towels. Turn on fans and open windows to help dry the affected area out as quickly as possible.

Call the Emergency Plumbing Professionals

Following the tips above will help minimize water damage and costs. Emergency plumbing situations are inconvenient and can be very stressful. This is why Alpha Plumbing Solutions is dedicated to making the repair process as hassle-free as possible. Our expert technicians respond promptly to every call, take the necessary steps to mitigate damage, and return your life to normal as soon as possible. As the most trusted plumbing professionals in Monroe, GA, we are here to help with all of your residential and commercial plumbing needs. Contact us today and receive a free estimate.